Career and Technical Education Program Approval Resource Guide

This website is to provide guidance to New York City Department of Education high schools in developing and implementing Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study in alignment with the New York State Regents policy for the Career and Technical Education Program Approval Process.

Career & Technical Education (CTE) Overview

The Office of Postsecondary Readiness (OPSR) within the Division of Teaching and Learning administers the New York City Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) portfolio of programs. The NYCDOE seeks to ensure that all CTE programs are of the highest quality through the NYSED CTE program approval process.

The mission of all CTE programs is to equip students with real world skill sets that support them toward graduating high school fully ready for college and careers. In addition to the knowledge foundation and real-world skills they acquire through their coursework, students in CTE programs have opportunities to earn industry-recognized certifications within their designated career areas of study and access work-based learning experiences such as worksite tours, job shadowing, youth apprenticeships, on-site projects, clinical experience, community service, and paid and unpaid school-year and summer internships.

Students graduating from CTE programs benefit from the added advantage of industry certification, articulation agreements with postsecondary institutions, providing advanced placement, college credit, tuition waivers, and various job placement opportunities.

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