Yes, please see the CTE program resource guide for more information.
Curriculum & Instruction
A curriculum crosswalk is used to align the learning outcomes of courses in a CTE program course sequence. The following sets of standards are recognized for CTE programs:
- New York State learning standards CDOS Career Development Occupational Standards (CDOS)
- Academic Standards
- Career Cluster Framework (Pathway Knowledge and Skills)
- Industry Standards
As part of the NYSED CTE program approval process the NYCDOE CTE Program Quality team must confirm that a learning standards curriculum crosswalk is in place for the courses in the CTE program sequence. Curriculum crosswalk documents should be done prior to the implementation of a program of study and should be revisited and maintained to address any changes to knowledge and skills students will be expected to learn within the career pathway.
The CTE program approval process is intended to be ongoing to promote continuous program improvements. In the absence of curriculum crosswalks, the following will be accepted:
Unit plans, year-long or semester long curriculum defined as a list of content and topics, scope and sequence and a list of what students are expected to know and do after studying each topic demonstrating alignment to learning standards. CTE programs in NYS must align to the CDOS standards.
The Common Career Technical Core (CCTC) is a set of high quality standards for Career and Technical Education for each of the 16 career clusters which establish benchmarks for what students should know and be able to do after completing a program of study. The standards were established through a state-led initiative and were informed by teachers, experts, business and industry as well as administrators and researchers. These standards also include a set of Career Ready Practices that address knowledge, skills, and dispositions important to all programs. While New York is not a curriculum state where curricula is mandated for specific subject areas the CCTC represent an example of how the CDOS standards may be met by students across CTE career clusters and pathways.
The Career Development Occupational Standards (CDOS) are a framework of learning standards for career majors in New York State. The CDOS standards resource guide and core curriculum provides commencement level performance indicators.
The program should be composed of a coherent sequence of courses that is non-duplicative, and requires at least 2 years and 7 credits (3.5 state units) for completion.
Career and Financial Management is a one-half unit (1 NYC DOE credit – 54 hours of instruction) requirement that is part of every CTE program of study. The content can be met as a separate course in the CTE program course sequence or embedded into the other CTE courses in the sequence. All CTE certified teachers, regardless of the CTE subject area certified to teach CFM.
The NYSED is currently in the process of reviewing an updated CFM curriculum. Information will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.
CTE programs with the Career and Financial management instruction embedded in the CTE sequence must submit a chart or detailed program description explaining where the CFM instruction appears in the CTE program course sequence.
Qualified Faculty
All CTE courses must be taught by NYS CTE certified teachers. The exceptions are the following classroom teacher titles which are also permitted to provide CTE instruction.
- Agriculture
- Business and Marketing
- Family and Consumer Science
- Technology Education
- The CTE Teacher certification must align to the program of study and the courses being taught.
- To confirm the status of a teaching certificate school leaders may review the New York State Office of Teaching Initiative’s Teacher Certification Lookup to confirm the date of expiration of a teaching certificate.
- Career and Technical Education teachers may hold a Transitional A (valid for 3 years), Initial (valid for 5 years) or a Professional certificate.
- Teaching certificates must be valid in order for students to earn CTE credits towards a technical endorsement in an approved program of study.
- Teaching certificates set to expire within the first year of a program’s approval should provide evidence of the teacher’s application for the initial or professional certificate.
Lessons Learned:
- New York City uses a licensing system which is aligned to the New York State certification process. Teachers may hold more than one state certification. The New York State approval process requires teachers to be New York State CTE certified for their CTE subject area.
- CTE certifications also require teachers to maintain their professional credentials. For example: This is true for CTE programs of study in health careers where a Registered Nurse is required to maintain a professional license in New York State.
- For programs applying for re-approval it is critically important to review the status of certification credentials of all CTE teachers to ensure those staff members who hold Transitional A or Initial certifications are still valid and have not expired.
Certified teachers who hold New York State classroom certifications and who possess prior work experience and/or who possess professional industry credentials may also qualify to earn a New York State CTE certification. To determine whether or not an existing staff member has the appropriate background experience and credentials please contact the Office of Certification. Please be advised certification specialists will need evidence of prior work experience, college transcripts and proof of professional credentials in order to conduct an evaluation.
For questions regarding certification please contact the Certification Office between the hours of 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at (718) 935-4842.