
Industry Partners

A minimum of two industry partners are required to be present during a program’s external review visit. Schools may have more than two industry partners that serve on their local school CTE program advisory board. External industry partners, such as those who are members of the NYCDOE CTE Industry commissions, may also serve as external review committee members through the work done in relation to the commission (i.e, curriculum and technical assessment reviews and employability skills validation). Industry partners are vital to ensure programs remain rigorous and relevant. Partners are required to review a program’s curriculum and technical assessment to provide feedback for continuous program improvements.

Lessons Learned:

  • In order for CTE programs of study to remain rigorous and relevant the connection to industry partners is vital to a program’s continuous development and success over time.
  • Educational providers and Community Based Organizations are not considered industry partners though they may support the continued development of the CTE program of study. The National Academy Foundation, Virtual Enterprise International, Justice Resource Center, and Project Lead the Way are examples of educational providers.
  • Industry partners may assist with professional development for staff, they may provide support with work-based learning experiences and assist with providing critical feedback regarding curriculum review, technical assessment selection and employability skills validation.

No, schools offering more than one CTE program of study are not required to operate multiple advisory boards. The CTE Central Industry Advisory Commissions may be used in lieu of local school advisory boards.

Lessons Learned:

  • While inviting industry partners to review the CTE program is integral to the program’s success meeting formally twice a year may be sufficient if smaller working groups are established to address specific program needs in between convenings of the larger group.
  • Attempting to run 4 or more separate advisory boards not only consumes a great deal of time and resources it may prevent connections from occurring which may serve multiple program needs.

NYCDOE CTE has developed 8 industry commissions to assist schools with the continuous improvement of their programs. The industry commissions work to develop and review curricula technical assessments, validate employability skills, provide professional development through teacher training and externship opportunities, and coordinate work-based learning opportunities for students. For the purposes of program approval the NYCDOE CTE Industry Commissions may serve as the advisory board for actively engaged school members (i.e., CTE School Administrators, program coordinators, and teachers) with CTE programs of study.

While the work of the commissions is similar to the functions of a school-based advisory board the industry commissions serve as an opportunity to promote inter school collaboration and learning. For many schools with strong partnerships school level advisory boards offer additional resources to address site specific needs. We recommend all schools engage the community and industry partners through school-based advisory boards.

8 Industry Commissions: Automotive and Transportation, Business and Finance, Construction and Sustainability, Culinary Arts/Hospitality and Tourism, Media Technology and Design, Healthcare, Information Technology, Engineering, Architecture and Robotics

For more information on attending an NYCDOE CTE industry commission meeting, please visit us at NYC CTE: Information for Industry Partners

Lessons Learned:

  • Historically, amongst the most successful CTE programs which maintain program approval and continually show improvement their progress is directly connected to the integral support provided by industry partners. Many of the industry partners are frequently CTE program alumni who return to support the program.

Postsecondary Partners

CTE programs applying for NYSED Approval must have a minimum of one postsecondary partner representing a two or four year institution which provides advanced study in the CTE program career pathway area. Schools wishing to provide their students with multiple postsecondary study options beyond graduation may pursue additional postsecondary partners and postsecondary articulation agreements.

Postsecondary partners are instrumental in reviewing program curricula, technical assessment selections and validating technical and employability skills. Postsecondary partners are required to be external review committee members and this requirement may be fulfilled through the NYCDOE CTE Industry Advisory Commissions.

A postsecondary articulation agreement is a document outlining the roles and responsibilities of both the school and the postsecondary institution to support students in transitioning from high school. Postsecondary articulation agreements must provide a value-added benefit such as dual credits, college credits, advanced standing, or reduced tuition.

Postsecondary articulations should include the following:

  1. Prerequisite skills, knowledge, or coursework required of students to participate in the agreement
  2. A value added benefit for students (dual credit, college credits, advanced standing, or reduced tuition
  3. Roles and responsibilities of each institution
  4. Duration of the agreement for the full 5-year period of the program’s approval/re-approval (A disclaimer may be added that states the agreement is valid between both parties and subject to annual review)
  5. Endorsement by officials of each institution (College/University Designee e.g., Provost, Department Chair, and School Principal)

Yes, any accredited postsecondary institution which offers two and four year programs may be considered eligible partners. It is important to consider the alignment of the CTE program of study career pathway to the postsecondary program offerings when making decisions regarding articulation agreements. It is also critical to review the costs and student outcomes of these institutions when evaluating postsecondary partnerships on behalf of students. The objective of a postsecondary articulation agreement is to set students up for successful transitions. Misaligned agreements will be subject to evaluation by the external review committee.

The NYCDOE CTE Central Industry Engagement Team has been working to establish postsecondary articulation agreements by career sector. Each CTE Industry Advisory Commission is in the process of developing agreements which are recognized by the CTE Central Program Quality Team for the NYSED program approval process. Schools who participate in the Industry Advisory commissions are eligible to participate in these agreements. To be added to an existing citywide agreement schools MUST be active participants in the Industry Advisory commissions and may be asked to submit curriculum for review and attend webinars and/or attend meetings where postsecondary partners provide an overview of the terms of the agreements.